Study In Lativa

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Study in Latvia

For a country of just over two million inhabitants, Latvia has a wealth of both public and private higher education opportunities – 59 universities and colleges..

Programmes taught in foreign languages (mainly English and Russian with a few German and Scandinavian language programmes) cover a wide range of fields, from Architecture to Social Sciences. In particular, Medical studies and qualifications in the aviation industry are the most popular study options in the country..

General Application Requirements

Academic structure

There is academic and professional higher education in Latvia. Most of the institutions of higher education offer both academic and professional higher education qualification.

Academic higher education programmes are focused on preparing graduates for independent research, as well as to provide theoretical background for professional activities. Academic education programmes are implemented according to the national standard of academic education. They usually comprise a thesis at the end of each stage and lead to a Bachelor’s degree and Master’s degree.

Professional higher education programmes focus on providing in-depth knowledge in a particular field, preparing graduates for design or improvement of systems, products and technologies. Students are prepared to be able conduct creative, research and teaching activities. In total, the duration of professional/vocational study programmes is not less than 4 years after secondary education and not less than 2 years after college education.

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